Friday, November 7, 2014

Adventure: tput

Another new Adventure! Tired of looking at the same old text? Learn how to add color and text effects to your scripts with tput.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Adventure: Less Typing

Another new Adventure! Fingers getting tired? Making more mistakes than you should? You should learn to do more with Less Typing!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Adventure: Terminal Multiplexers

I have just posted another Adventure! This one explores terminal multiplexers; programs that allow your terminal to perform clever tricks. Enjoy!

Monday, March 3, 2014


I have just posted the first unit of a new series on called Adventures. These are tutorials that supplement my book, The Linux Command Line.

The first tutorial in the Adventures series is Midnight Commander. Midnight Commander is a text-based directory browser and file manager. A very powerful and useful program.

Look for more Adventures in the coming weeks. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I've just added another script to the Resources page. This one, called program_list, creates an annotated listing of the executable files (i.e. programs) in a specified directory, or if no directory is specified, /usr/bin.

The listing consists of the program name, a brief description of the program (taken from its man page) and the name of the package that installed the program.  The listing may be produced in 3 different formats: plain text (the default), TSV (tab-separated values), or Markdown.

This script is useful to new users who wish to learn what all the stuff in /usr/bin (or /bin, or /sbin, or /usr/sbin, etc.) does.


Friday, January 17, 2014

A Couple More Scripts

I have just posted 2 new bash scripts on the Resources page for your edification and enjoyment. They are:

my_cloud - A script to store and manage files on a remote server (a kind of stone-age Dropbox).

photo2mail - A script that re-sizes images. Used to make image files suitable for use as email attachments.

In addition, I have updated new_script to support a more modern coding standard.
